Privacy Policy

The NHS Highland Public Health Directorate is part of the NHS Highland Board, working to reduce health inequalities and improve health, and as such we are subject to the same user rights and terms and conditions as held on the NHS Highland website.

That said, we fully respect your right to privacy when using our services and the following details provide information of our privacy practices and what the Directorate does to maintain your right to privacy.

What information do we collect about you?

We collect information about you and your organisation when you access any of our services online, by phone or in writing. We only collect the information we ask from you, that you give us and where required consent to it being processed for the purpose of providing NHS Highland’s services.

How will we use the information we collect?

We process your information for the purpose of providing you with services from NHS Highland Public Health. This includes some or all of the following:

  • Managing enquires, requests and complaints, you submit to us.
  • Providing opportunities to give us feedback on our products and services, to help us know what you need and improve our products and services appropriately.
  • Providing you with newsletters; electronic or otherwise, which you may have opted in to receive.
  • Conducting data and statistical analysis to monitor performance of our services and make improvements.

NHS Highland Public Health may share complaints information with the relevant NHS board or Scottish Government department if the complaint or concern has been sent to us in error, or a joint response is required.

We may also disclose the information to a third party where we have a legal obligation to do so. NHS Highland will not share with or sell your personal information to any other organisation.

How do we look after your information?

The information we collect about you and your organisation is stored securely in NHS Scotland systems hosted in the UK/EU.

The website is hosted on a secure server by a third party in the UK/EU, and is maintained by NHS Health Scotland staff.

The principles of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) require us to make sure your data is accurate, kept up-to-date and that we keep it for no longer than is necessary.

To meet these requirements

  • we will update your data or remove it from our systems at your request
  • we will keep your data in line with NHSScotland data retention guidelines.

Website log files

Using our website will generate log files of your activity. These files do not capture personal information but do capture the user’s IP address. We store these log files on a secure server.

We use Google Analytics to analyse these files regularly to monitor website usage and evaluate the effectiveness of our website. We do occasionally allow trusted partners and suppliers access to our Google Analytics. This information is not personally identifiable. For more information go to our Cookies page.

We make no attempt to identify individual users of this website, unless we suspect that unauthorised access to our systems is being attempted. We reserve the right to attempt to identify and track any individual who is reasonably suspected of trying to gain unauthorised access to computer systems or resources operating as part of NHS Health Scotland web services. As a condition of using this site, all users give permission for NHS Highland Public Health to use its access logs to attempt to track users who are reasonably suspected of gaining, or attempting to gain, unauthorised access.

Your rights

You have the following rights: 

  • The right to be informed
  • The right of access
  • The right to rectification
  • The right to erasure
  • The right to restrict processing
  • The right to data portability
  • The right to object
  • Rights in relation to automated decision making and profiling

You can find more information about these rights on the Information Commissioner’s website.

Access to your information, changes, and complaints

To request a copy of the information that we hold about you, correct any information that is inaccurate, unsubscribe from our services, or withdraw your consent, you can contact us or write to us at

The Data Protection Officer (DPO) for NHS Highland is:
Donald Peterkin
NHS Highland, Assynt House, Beechwood Park, Inverness, IV2 3BW
Contact Number – 01463 704000
Email the Data Protection Officer

Should you wish to make a complaint about NHS Highland’s collection or use of data, the UK’s independent authority set up to uphold information rights in the public interest, promoting openness by public bodies and data privacy for individuals is the Information Commissioner’s Office.